
Recent Unpublished Work

Under Revision or Review

John W. Patty. “The Art of Modeling.” (For inclusion in an EITM edited volume)

Jenny S. Kim and John W. Patty.  “Coordination in Bureaucratic Policy-Making.” Under review.

John W. Patty and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. “Algorithmic Fairness with Feedback.” 

Tom Clark and John W. Patty. “Which Issues Should We Decide? Coalitions and Agenda Setting.” 

Sean Gailmard and John W. Patty. “Agenda Setting in Multiple Dimensions.” 

John W. Patty and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. “Perfect Prediction Can Be Suboptimal: Algorithms, Endogeneity, and Opting Out.” 

John W. Patty and Ian R. Turner,  “Strange Bedfellows: How the Need for Good Governance Shapes Budgetary Control of Bureaucracy.” Under review.

Working Papers

John W. Patty. “Deal-Making and Bargaining.” Working Paper.

Jenny Kim and John W. Patty. “A Theory of `The Loop’: Policy-making and Information Aggregation through Networks.”

Elizabeth Maggie Penn and John W. Patty. “Algorithms, Incentives, and Democracy.


John W. Patty and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. Social Choice and Legitimacy: The Possibilities of Impossibility. Cambridge University Press (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions series), 2014.

Sean Gailmard and John W. Patty. Learning While Governing: Information, Accountability, and Executive Branch Institutions. University of Chicago Press, 2012.


John W. Patty. “Designing Deliberation for Decentralized Decisions.” American Journal of Political Science, 68(2): 783-796, 2024.

Benjamin Kinnard and John W. Patty, “Paved with Partisan Intentions: The Impressive and Disheartening Validity of Cox and McCubbins’s Legislative Leviathan.Journal of Political Institutions & Political Economy, 2023, 4: 523–549, 2024.

John W. Patty. “Working towards Policy: A Theory of Organizational Implementation and Management.” Journal of Public Administration Research & Theory, (34)1: 53–66, 2023.

John W. Patty and Elizabeth Maggie Penn.  “`Ban The Box? Information, Incentives, and Statistical Discrimination.”  Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 18(4): 513-542, 2023.

Emily H. Moore and John W. Patty “Personnel, Politics, and Policymaking.” Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy, 4(1): 111-158, 2023.

John W. Patty and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. “Algorithmic Fairness and Statistical Discrimination.”  Philosophy Compass, 18(1), 2022.

Tom S. Clark and John W. Patty. “Why Are Pandemics Ideological?Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy, 2(1):103-141, 2021.

John W. Patty and Ian Turner. “Ex Post Review and Expert Policymaking: When Does Oversight Reduce Accountability?Journal of Politics, 83(1): 23-39, 2021.

John W. Patty and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. “Identity and Information in Organizations.Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy, 1(3): 379-416, 2020.

John W. Patty and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. “Are Moderates Better Representatives than Extremists? A Theory of Indirect Representation.American Political Science Review, 113(3): 743–761, 2019.

Sean Gailmard and John W. Patty. “Preventing Prevention.” American Journal of Political Science,  63(2): 342–352, 2019.

John W. Patty, Constanza F. Schibber, Elizabeth Maggie Penn, and Brian F. Crisp. “Valence, Elections, & Legislative Institutions.” American Journal of Political Science, 63(3):563–576, 2019.

John W. Patty and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. “Measuring Fairness, Inequality, and Big Data: Social Choice Since Arrow.” Annual Review of Political Science, 22: 435–460, 2019.

Sean Gailmard and John W. Patty. “Giving Advice vs. Making Decisions: Transparency, Information, and Delegation.” Political Science Research & Methods, 7(3): 471–488, 2019.

John W. Patty and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. “A Defense of Arrow’s Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives.Public Choice, 179(1-2): 145-164, 2019.

Nathan Monroe, John W. Patty, and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. “What is Pivotal Politics (and What Else Can It Be)?,” Journal of Politics, 80(3): 1088–1099, 2018.

Deborah Beim, Tom S. Clark, and John W. Patty. “Why Do Courts Delay?” Journal of Law and Courts5(2)199-241, 2017.

John W. Patty and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. “Uncertainty, Polarization, and Quadratic Voting.Public Choice, 172(1–2): 109–124, 2017.

Sean Gailmard and John W. Patty. “Participation, Process, & Policy: The Informational Value of Politicized Judicial Review.” Journal of Public Policy, 37(3): 233-260, 2017.

John W. Patty. “Signaling Through Obstruction.” American Journal of Political Science, 60(1): 175-189, 2016.

John W. Patty and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. “Aggregation, Evaluation, and Social Choice Theory.” The Good Society, 24(1): 49-72, 2015.

Jennifer Carter and John W. Patty. “Valence and Campaigns.” American Journal of Political Science 59(4): 825-840, 2015.

John W. Patty and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. “Analyzing Big Data: Social Choice & Measurement.” PS: Political Science & Politics 48(1): 95-101, 2015.

John W. Patty and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. “Sequential Decision-Making & Information Aggregation in Small Networks.” Political Science Research & Methods, 2(2): 243-271, 2014.

Sean Gailmard and John W. Patty. “Stovepiping.” Journal of Theoretical Politics, 25(3): 388-411, 2013.

Frederick J. Boehmke, Sean Gailmard, and John W. Patty. “Business as Usual: Interest Group Access and Representation Across Policy-Making Venues.” Journal of Public Policy, 33(1): 3-33, 2013.

Sean Gailmard and John W. Patty. “Formal Models of Bureaucracy” Annual Review of Political Science, 15: 353-377, 2012.

Elizabeth Maggie Penn, John W. Patty, and Sean Gailmard. “Manipulation & Single-peakedness: A General Result” American Journal of Political Science, 55(2): 436-449, 2011.

John W. Patty and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. “A Social Choice Theory of Legitimacy.” Social Choice and Welfare, 36(3): 365-382, 2011.

John W. Patty. “Dilatory or Anticipatory? Voting on the Journal in the House of Representatives.Public Choice, 143(1-2): 121-133, 2010.

John W. Patty, Jim Snyder, and Michael Ting. “Two’s Company, Three’s an Equilibrium: Strategic Voting and Multicandidate Elections.” Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 4(3): 251-278, 2009.

John W. Patty. “The Politics of Biased Information.” Journal of Politics, 71(2): 385-397, 2009.

Scott Moser, John W. Patty, and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. “The Structure of Heresthetical Power.” Journal of Theoretical Politics, 21(2): 139-159, 2009.

John W. Patty and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. “The Legislative Calendar.” Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 48: 1590-1601, 2008.

John W. Patty. “Arguments-Based Collective Choice.” Journal of Theoretical Politics, 20(4): 379-414, 2008.

John W. Patty. “Equilibrium Party Government.” American Journal of Political Science 52(3): 636-655, 2008.

Sean Gailmard and John W. Patty. “Slackers and Zealots: Civil Service, Policy Discretion, and Bureaucratic Expertise.American Journal of Political Science 51(4): 873-889, 2007.

John W. Patty. “The House Discharge Procedure and Majoritarian Politics.” Journal of Politics 69(3): 678-688, 2007.

John W. Patty. “Generic Difference of Expected Vote Share and Probability of Victory Maximization in Simple Plurality Elections with Probabilistic Voters.” Social Choice and Welfare 29(1): 149-173, 2007.

John W. Patty and Roberto A. Weber. “Letting the Good Times Roll: A Theory of Voter Inference and Experimental Evidence.” Public Choice 130(3-4): 293-310, 2007.

John W. Patty. “Incommensurability and Issue Voting.” Journal of Theoretical Politics 19(2): 115-131, 2007.

Frederick J. Boehmke and John W. Patty “The Selection of Policies for Ballot Initiatives: What Voters Can Learn from Legislative Inaction.” Economics and Politics 19(1): 97-121, 2007.

Richard D. McKelvey and John W. Patty. “A Theory of Voting in Large Elections.” Games and Economic Behavior 57(1): 155-180, 2006.

John W. Patty and Roberto A. Weber. “Agreeing to Fight: An Explanation of the Democratic Peace.” Politics, Philosophy, and Economics 5(3): 305-320, 2006.

John W. Patty. “Loss Aversion, Presidential Responsibility, and Midterm Congressional Elections.” Electoral Studies 25(2): 227-247, 2006.

Frederick J. Boehmke, Sean Gailmard, and John W. Patty. “Whose Ear to Bend: Information Sources and Venue Choice in Policy Making.” Quarterly Journal of Political Science 1(2): 139-169, 2006.

John W. Patty. “Local Equilibrium Equivalence in Probabilistic Voting Models.” Games and Economic Behavior 51(2):523-536, 2005.

John W. Patty. “Equivalence of Objectives in Two Candidate Elections.” Public Choice 112(1):151-166, 2002.

Book Chapters and Book Reviews

John W. Patty, “The Art of Modeling.” Forthcoming in Scott de Marchi, Sean Gailmard, Elizabeth Maggie Penn, and Rocio Titiunik (eds.), Structure and Data: EITM and the Frontiers in Research Design, New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

John W. Patty. “Achieving Accountability: Aligning Incentives and Behavior.” In Brandice Canes-Wrone, Charles Cameron, Sanford Gordon, and Gregory Huber (eds.), Accountability Reconsidered: Voters, Interests, and Information in US Policymaking, New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 2023.

John W. Patty and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. “Network Theory and Political Science.” In Jennifer Nicoll Victor, Alexander H. Montgomery, & Mark Lubell (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Political Networks, New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2017.

John W. Patty. “Perceptions of the Legitimacy of Collective Decisions.” In Stephen Kosslyn & Robert A. Scott (eds.), Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, New York, NY: Wiley, 2016.

John W. Patty. “Leadership and the Bureaucracy.” In Jeffery A. Jenkins & Craig Volden (eds.), Leadership in American Politics, Lawrence, KS: University Press of Kansas, 2017.

John W. Patty, Elizabeth Maggie Penn, and Keith E. Schnakenberg. “Measuring the Latent Quality of Precedent: Scoring Vertices in a Network.” In Daniel Kselman and Norman Schofield (eds.), Advances in Political Economy: Institutions, Modeling, and Empirical Analysis, New York, NY: Springer, 2013.

Sean Gailmard, John W. Patty, and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. “Arrow’s Theorem on Single-Peaked Preference Domains.” In Enriqueta Aragones, Carmen Bevia, Humberto Llavador, and Norman Schofield (eds.), The Political Economy of Democracy, Bilbao, Spain: BBVA Foundation, 2009.

John W. Patty and Elizabeth Maggie Penn.  “What McKelvey Taught Us.” In John H. Aldrich, James E. Alt, and Arthur Lupia (eds.), Positive Changes in Political ScienceThe Legacy of Richard McKelvey’s Most Influential Writings. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2007.

John W. Patty, Review of Social Dynamics, Steven N. Durlauf and H. Peyton Young, Editors. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory 8(1):75-78, 2002.

Older Working Papers

Sean Gailmard and John W. Patty. “Separation of Powers, Information, and Bureaucratic Structure.”

John W. Patty. “Journal Votes, Preferences, and Partisanship in the U.S. House of Representatives

John W. Patty and Elizabeth Maggie Penn. “Amendments, Covering, and Agenda Control: The Politics of Open Rules.”